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Day 10 of Lent- Be Patient

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Text: Psalm 40:1-2 “I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”


Sometimes when you really want something, waiting is the most arduous thing to experience. It is hard to be patient when what you want is within sight but out of your grips. It is difficult to be patient when you are unsure of the next steps you need to take and the future seems uncertain. However, it is important to realize that the act of being patient is a significant part of being a Christian. We are in wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ and judgment day. We are also in wait for the gift of eternal life in heaven that has been promised to us by God. Those who truly wait on God are never disappointed. Though the promise may delay it will surely be fulfilled. David waited patiently for the Lord and the Lord heard his cry for help.

Yes, waiting is difficult but patience is a virtue and we have good things in store for us all. As we go through Lent, let us remember to be patient and wait for the Lord to guide us. God will surely lift us from the slimy pit of despair, out of the mud of disappointment and set our feet victoriously on solid rock.


Reflection: What are you waiting for and how do you exercise patience in your time of waiting?

Reading: Psalm 40:1-17


Submitted by: Nana Yaa Obeng

New Life International UMC

