Mark 9:28-29 “When He entered the house, His disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not
cast it out?” He said to them, “This kind can come out only through prayer and fasting.”
During the season of Lent we are reminded to give-up something. This is to get us in the mode to draw closer to God. Everyone has something they decide to give-up. Some give up certain foods and others make changes in their lifestyle. The giving-up of food is something that each Christian should aspire to do from time to time. Fasting has its spiritual and health benefits.
Recently I have been learning about fasting and the health benefits it provides. I have learned by reading and listening to doctors, nutritionists, and herbalists about the benefits of fasting to our bodies. Fasting is beneficial to our body and spiritual wellbeing. When we focus on fasting we are better positioned to commune with our Maker.
Our bodies may not be getting food as they normally would during fasting, but our spiritual beings are strengthened as we wait on God. Fasting should not be done alone, but should be incorporated with prayer. Fasting is a spiritual endeavor and as we have seen so many times demonstrated by Jesus we must also pray as we fast to complete the spiritual connection.
Jesus prayed before every miracle He performed. If Jesus the Son of God Himself needed to pray as much as He did then we also must cultivate the habit of prayer. When we humble ourselves through prayer and fasting, we become more sensitive to God.
During this period of Lent, let us take on the habit of prayer and fasting to strengthen our bodies and deepen our walk with God.
Reflection: What are you giving up during this period? How do you plan to incorporate consistent prayer and fasting in your Christian journey?
Reading: Isaiah 58:1-14
Submitted by: Augustus Gyapong
New Life International UMC