Text: 2 Corinthians 10:4 “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have power to demolish strongholds”
Life is full of battles. We all face our own unique daily battles. There are some battles that we can handle and there are others that we require extra strength and resources to overcome.
We all have a strong tendency to depend on our abilities and resources to fight the battles of life. It makes a lot of sense to do so. After all, it seems easier to depend on the resources we can see, feel and touch than to depend on God who we cannot physically see. But sometimes the battles we face in life are not fought with physical weapons. We need to constantly draw strength from our all-powerful God to overcome arguments, fear, strongholds, rumors and self-defeating tendencies that constantly wage war against us.
Christians fight best on our knees. Through prayer we are able to petition heaven to intervene in our daily struggles. Prayer is the life blood of the church. Jesus depended on constant communion with His Father through prayer. The disciples followed the example of our Lord by petitioning God anytime they faced opposition in their ministry and personal spiritual journeys.
As we go through Lent, let us remember that the entire resources of heaven are available to us to fight the battles of life. Let us tap into these resources through prayer to stay victorious. Remember we are not fighting for victory but fighting from victory into victory.
Reflection: What battles are you fighting and how do you plan to deepen your prayer life to draw strength from God?
Readings: 2 Corinthians 10: 1-6; Ephesians 6:10-19
Pastor John Obeng
New Life International UMC
Image: beliefnet.com