Joel 2:25 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten–the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm–my great army that I sent among you.
My Dear Christian friends, this scripture means our PAPA GOD will give us back what we’ve lost if only we trust and believe in HIM. The precious thing that the enemy has stolen will be restored back to us.
Brethren in Christ, we serve the God of restoration. The Lord restored the health of the woman who had bled for 12 years, the life of Lazarus, the kingship of David after he was removed from office by his own son Absalom, the sight of Bartimaus and the physical and spiritual well-being of many in scripture. The LORD is able to do exceedingly above what we can ask or think if we faithfully wait on God.
Some people suffer loses as a result of their spiritual laziness. Others lose their prized possession as a result of the enemy. Sin exposes us for the enemy to steal from us. There are times that we need to know what we did to experience that loss. There are times also, that we need to repent, to have our restoration.  GOD in this text asked the Israelites to repent from their sinful acts to experience restoration (see Joel 2:12-13).
So my dear believers, in this period of Lent, let us rend our hearts not our cloths and return to The Lord. Our God is gracious and ever ready to restore to us all that the great locust have eaten.
May GOD help us all to have faith in HIM in JESUS Mighty Name, I pray. Amen!!!
Reflection: What have you lost and how do you position yourself to experience restoration this Lent?
Reading: Joel 2:1-27
Submitted by: Dorcas Assuah
New Life International UMC