Psalm 46:10a “Be Still and know that I am God”
It is difficult to be still in this uncertain times when the world is battling global pandemic. Many seem to be losing control over their health, future and finances. These concerns are huge cause of fear and anxiety. It is difficult to be still when our plans are not working out the way we want. We all have our unique struggles that stand between us and our peace of mind. However, it is important to sometimes look beyond our gloomy circumstances, withdraw from our daily routines and draw strength from our God. When we spend time with God, like the Psalmist, we will appreciate that our all-powerful God is our refuge and strength. We will realize that;
- our God has the last word- speaks and the earth melts (verse 6b)
- our God protects – breaks the bow and shatters the spear (verse 9b)
- our God gives peace – makes wars cease to the end of the earth (verse 9a)
Such knowledge of God will give us a cause to be calm in the face challenges. That is why we are embarking on a special time of waiting this week to petition God to intervene in our situation.
As we go through this period of Lent/waiting let us make time to listen to the still small voice of our God through prayer and meditation on the word of God. Let us be reminded that God reigns and that God is our refuge and strength, a present help in trouble (verse 1). Stay calm and confident because our God is in control.
Reflection: How can you keep calm in this uncertain times?
Reading: Psalm 46
Pastor John Obeng
New Life International UMC