Text: Isaiah 40:31a “But those who wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength”
Have you ever found yourself in an unending queue before? What about getting locked up in a snail paced bumper to bumper traffic? May be it was a time when you were going for an important appointment, getting some groceries for the house or even waiting for your turn at the doctor’s office. How did you feel? Waiting even becomes more difficult when you see other people use unauthorized routes to get what you are looking for.
Waiting is challenging in our fast paced world. But there is great virtue in waiting, especially if we are waiting on God through prayer and fasting. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ waited on God for 40 days before beginning His ministry. The early disciples waited in the upper room for 50 days before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for ministry. Waiting on The Lord is not passive (not time wasting) but an active engagement with the spirit of God. It is a time of renewal and empowerment.
As we wait on The Lord through self-examination, moderation, prayer and fasting, may we all be renewed and empowered for ministry. May our weaknesses give way to God’s strength and may the promise of strength and swiftness be our portion.
Reflection: What spiritual practices do you hope to learn or adopt in this period of Lent?
Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31
Pastor John Obeng
New Life International UMC